"What if my problem has nothing to do with career? Can you help?"


Every person is an energy system. A single energy system.

Whether you come to me about work, finance, relationship, health, diet change or any other issue, I/divine beings will work to clear out energies that are not constructive for your current life in all areas.

Current problems are simply past funky energy events that are manifesting in the present. These funky events were stress episodes in the past that created karmic energies. They were generally adventures that your soul agreed to experience.

Doesn’t matter what areas of life these past experiences were in, they created energy signatures mostly in the form of emotional energy, that’s been stored inside of you. These energy signatures today show up again, generally in a few areas of your life, even though you may be aware of ‘problems’ only in one area.

All issues are interrelated. For example, a woman who had traumatic past lives with male authorities would be very careful with men today, maybe unable to say no to them, unable to express their opinions to a male boss at work, that could be interpreted by the boss as low self confidence and therefore lower wages. She would likely have trouble expressing her likes and dislikes to her male partner at home as well, which could cause frustration in the relationship that might end in fights. Such unconscious trait causes stress everywhere that can result in health issues as well.

Whether this woman comes to me for career problems or relationship problems or health problems, when past male authority energies are resolved, all of these aspects could improve together.  

When you notice a lingering problem, it is a sign that your soul wishes specific karmic energies to be dissolved. Everyone has loads of past karmic energies that contribute to our survival instincts, talents and gifts — not all are bad and need to be removed! If your soul doesn’t want an energy removed but somehow you removed it, your soul will put that energy right back into you.

"What’s involved in your healing work? Do I have to re-live my painful past stories?"

Mainstream psychiatrists tend to base their therapy on what and how patients experienced certain events, therefore re-telling painful stories is part of the process.

Healers may or may not use this technique. Also, not all healers use the same techniques.

My work is 99% based on divine guidance. Hate to say this, but Your Soul knows you better than you know yourself!

What I do is based on what you tell me, but not determined only by what you tell me. Mostly I follow divine prompts as to what to do for you.

Many of my clients have very private personalities. Even when they preferred to not tell me anything to begin their session, they ended up with noticeable improvements after the session.

I don’t recommend that you tell me nothing because when my outer technique becomes “a stab in the dark”, then you could be wasting your own time, not receiving the perfectly tailored outer mind reprogramming at the same time. My healing always works on your inside as well as on your outside simultaneously to get the fastest, maximum results.

Having said that, you only need to tell me what you feel like telling me, which can be brief.

The technique I use most frequently is called Compassion Key. I’m a Certified Master Practitioner of CK. As per the name, the key to soothing your uneasy feelings is by offering compassion to your Inner Child, which is that wounded part of you inside.

You would not leave a session feeling re-traumatized or unresolved.

The way I heal is deep and precise at my end, but easy and gentle at your end. Trust the divine beings to work wonders!

"Why can’t I heal myself?"

You may have been told that your mind controls your life. You may have been told that if you want your life to change for the better, simply change your thoughts.

Unfortunately, thoughts from your conscious mind are not the strongest signals from you to your world.

Stronger signals controlling your life come from your subconscious mind.

Your inner world consists of two sections. A section that you are aware of that is in your conscious mind, and a section that is beneath your awareness that is your subconscious mind.

Subconscious is your primal animal instinct that is purely about survival. Your physical survival. Survival of your species.

You inherited these survival instincts from your ancestors via your mother’s womb, in the form of subconscious beliefs and cell memories. They performed a vital function to have kept your lineage alive for generations.

If you ever experienced an overwhelming situation where your mind gave up and you went on automatic pilot, that was your subconscious mind taking over to keep you alive. Its strength and stubbornness have their place. Its importance must be respected.

However, parts of your subconscious beliefs may be rather out of date for your current life. For example, public shame that your ancestors experienced may be holding you back from taking on a job that demands public appearance today, which offers the higher wages you’re looking for.

Such beliefs hindering your joy and satisfaction today could be released.

You don’t recognize these beliefs because you were born with them. They are 100% a part of who you are. Everything you experienced and learned since the moment you were born were processed through the eyes of these ancestral beliefs. They are your foundation to life.

If you get frustrated and simply yank your foundation out, your entire house of life will come tumbling down.

It’s not possible. Your subconscious mind, aka your Inner Child, will prevent you from doing so to destroy yourself.

This is why you cannot heal your deep wounds easily by yourself. This is why a third party experienced healer is necessary…along with divine help!

"Is healing work worth the money?"

Healing work is not worthwhile for anyone who really doesn’t want to change…and a waste of time. 

Since you’re reading this page, chances are that something is bothering you. If you’re feeling like you’re willing to do whatever it takes to improve your situation, then you’re ready, and healing work will pay for itself many times over.

Healing work is essential to attract to yourself a more satisfying job or business, plus more money if that’s what you desire for the long term.

You spend a large part of your life working. If you don’t like what you’re doing or feel you’re not getting the financial rewards that your work deserves, then you’re wasting precious time in your life which you cannot get back.

How much is your life worth?

This comes down to what you value.

Do you value peace of mind, happiness with partner and family, good health, good energy, having resources to do whatever you want? Or are you ok with feeling stressed everyday, putting up with people who disrespect you, unable to get the money you deserve… just because other people told you they feel the same so it’s “normal”?

When you’re truly calm and satisfied, that type of subconscious energy ripples out into your world will mirror back to you in ease and joy. Great opportunities show up for you. Relationships will be amenable. Your body will be happy. Your boss, coworkers and customers will enjoy being around you. Your bank account will become healthier too!

This is not a miracle. This is not wishful thinking. This has happened to my clients again and again.

Good healing work naturally improves you forever. What’s been healed will not need to be healed again, not the exact same aspect. If the same outer issue still exists, it would be because another aspect hasn’t been cleared that caused this similar result. 

No good healing work is ever wasted.

How much aggravation have you already endured? How much do you want to leave behind unfulfilled by the end of your life?

Can you really afford to NOT do healing work?