Human Design

Why get a Human Design Reading?

People journeying through life is like ships sailing across a giant ocean. If they don’t know where they’re meant to go, then all they can do is “follow the crowd”, ending up at destinations that don’t feel right for themselves. They would have to try again and again, eventually frustrated feeling like “lost at sea”.

Society has conditioned everyone to live life in a specific format, according to tradition, culture, authorities. For those who could feel that this structured way of life is just not the answer, society came up with another conditioning for them to believe that a person can do anything so long as they put their mind to it, that the sky’s the limit. Neither of these ways of life are correct for most people.

Who you are and the type of life you’re meant to experience are defined by your soul.

Your soul is your “Divine Will”. Before your soul entered your tiny fetal body in your mother’s womb, she had already determined the set of experiences that she wants to receive through you this lifetime. She picked out your mother and family to carry out her mission. She had already determined your life purpose, your life path.

Divine beings in the universe respect your Divine Will and cooperate to make it all happen.

If you say yes to circumstances within the range of experiences that your soul desires, then you’ll have an easy life as if flowing downstream. If you insist on creating circumstances that are not within her desires, then you would be swimming upstream against current and wondering why life feels so hard.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know what their soul desires. This is the primary reason why people struggle.

This is where Human Design comes in.

Human Design is the most comprehensive tool I’ve come across so far that gives a practical look at what your soul wants you to be.

There is no generic “bliss” and “peace” that applies to everyone. I won’t assume that everyone desires the same outcome in life. What makes you happy doesn’t necessarily make another person happy. Joy and comfort come with different individual signatures.

I won’t heal and guide you to a patronizing blanket of new age ideals. I respect your soul’s unique desires. 

Human Design can quickly offer me and you a foundational understanding of where you’re meant to sail toward this life journey.

The information Kei shared about the mechanics of my Human Design explained why I had certain issues. I now feel more confident in how I approach projects and people and understand what I need to do before making any major decisions.
Diane K
Architect, Tucson, AZ

If you're like my other clients, you'll learn a lot about yourself in a reading! You'll also have a chance to ask questions and see if I'm the right healer for you.