
Practical Woo Woo Healer KEI LAM is an intuitive healer who specializes in helping those with concerns along their career path to enjoying SATISFACTION and PEACE OF MIND for the long term.

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My Story

I was a UC Berkeley School of Engineering graduate, started my career as a Professional Geophysicist. I worked in the corporate world for a while then became a business owner developing/building condominium townhouse complex.

The stress of holding positions in society for my family’s approval eventually caused me breast cancer fifteen years ago. In order to recover quickly, I researched deeply into alternative healing both physically and spiritually. This cleared my body from cancer within months and I have never been healthier and happier since.

My immersion into spirituality began in 1997. It was simply an ad in a local newspaper for Zhi Neng Chi Gong that caught my attention. I had no idea what chi gong was really, nor energy, nor spirit. I had no issue in my life at the time.

In hindsight, the universe was preparing me for something big. Thank goodness I went with the flow! By the time I was diagnosed with cancer ten years later, I was completely calm. I knew it wasn’t time for me to die because I had learnt so much spiritual knowledge that it would’ve been a complete waste LoL… I had total faith that everything happens for a good reason in the universe.

And I was right! Cancer was a test that I passed with flying colors. Through it, my body was jetted to a whole new level which was necessary to hold the higher frequencies that my new role on Earth would demand. To this day, I maintain the same faith for all my clients that everything happens for a good reason in the universe, even if we have no idea why at the time.

Practicality is strong in my makeup with Capricorn Rising in astrology. Getting tangible results in the outer world has always been my focus when diving deep into the inner world. A happy balance between mainstream and woo woo is my approach to helping clients achieve their solid satisfaction in this world.

As a Scorpio Sun, diving deep into strange unknown corners to expose and eradicate darkness is the way I serve humanity with pride and joy. As a Sagittarius Moon, I’m a naturally optimistic teacher, ready to share with my client everything I know of them, for them to expand and shine their own light in the world.

Claircognizance (clear knowing) is my strongest born gift that I use in my healing work. On top of this is a Divine Mother Love energy gift that was suddenly handed to me on 2011-11-01 after 11pm (probably 11:11), that shows up only while I’m in session, purely delivered by Divine beings for the sake of my client. I’ve been told to simply call it “Activation”.

I’m a Certified Master Practitioner of Compassion Key, Psychosomatic Practitioner, Certified Soul Coach, Certified Past Life Coach, Certified Zhi Neng Herb Practitioner and Best-Selling Author. 

I’ve learned through experiences with myself and my clients that healing is most effective through a multi-discipline approach. I’ve accumulated a bag of tricks over my quarter century of spiritual journey. Poking a problem from every angle is necessary. As befit my practical attitude, it’s basically whatever works that is the best technique! I leave no stone unturned for best results for you.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Have faith in the Divine. When you’re ready for something better in life, we will find your way!

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot